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How do you prepare psychologically for breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is one of the challenges faced by the mother after childbirth, and this particular act has negative effects on her mood, body shape and breasts. In order for the mother to avoid feeling depression and psychological fatigue due to breastfeeding, she must prepare psychologically before doing this task. For more information on this topic, accompany us and get it from the femininity site.

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How can a mother psychologically prepare for breastfeeding?

First, talk to your doctor about breast-feeding pregnancy, tell him about your concerns, and ask him all the questions that come to your mind.

Second, read guidance books on breastfeeding, and get an idea of ​​their methods and methods.

Third, consult a lactation specialist and benefit from their experience and information to know more details about breastfeeding.

Fourth, get enough rest and relax on a daily basis, in order to prepare you psychologically and physically for the task of breastfeeding.

Fifth, think that breastfeeding is just a new challenge and you will get used to it and get it done quickly, it is only a matter of time.

Sixth, talk to your husband about breastfeeding and ask him to support you in the coming period and to be a moral partner in this task.

Seventh, your mother is your support, so ask her about her experience with breastfeeding and inquire about her opinion on this topic.

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Buy breastfeeding bra to facilitate the process

- Buy nightgowns and blouses with a hole to the chest

Create a quiet corner at home, so you can breastfeed your baby

Buy a natural milk suction machine. In case you do not have time to breastfeed your child, your mother or husband can provide the necessary dose of milk for him.

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